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Let's rewrite equation (2) as
(5) |
We've been using
, a pretty large number; this means that
is a fast variable. (You might ask, ``fast relative to what?'' We really
should check that
for the solutions of interest, namely the solutions shown in Figures
2 and 3. This is left as an exercise
for the student.)
is fast, we make a quasi-steady state approximation that
it can be taken to be its value found from setting
, i.e.,
(6) |
Then we obtain the following two-dimensional set of equations:
is still given by equation 4, and
(9) |
This probably seems a bit like FitzHugh's simplification of the
Hodgkin/Huxley equations as described in Tutorial 2. Indeed, a very common
way to understand ODE models which arise in the modeling of biological
systems is to reduce them (rigorously or not) to a two-dimensional system.
To verify that this is a good approximation, we now integrate the
two-dimensional system (7,8) using the following
Matlab code. First, camp_2d.m:
global nu sigma k kt L q h lambda
nu = 0.1;
%nu = 0.04;
sigma = 1.2;
k = 0.4;
kt = 0.4;
L = 10^6;
q = 100;
h = 10;
lambda = q*sigma/h;
[T,Y] = ode23('func_camp_2d',[0,2500],[92.366,2]);
for i=1:size(Y(:,1))
bbeta(i) = q*sigma*phi(Y(i,1),Y(i,2))/kt; %construct beta according to
%the quasi-steady state approx
hold on;
Text version of this program
Next, func_camp_2d.m:
function dy = func_camp(t,y)
global nu sigma k kt L q h lambda
a = y(1);
g = y(2);
dalpha = nu - sigma*phi(a,g);
dgamma = lambda*phi(a,g) - k*g;
dy = [dalpha;dgamma];
Text version of this program
Figures 4 and 5 show the results
, respectively. Here
is reconstructed from
equation (6). Comparing with Figures 2
and 3, we see that the agreement is quite good.
Figure 4:
Oscillations of ATP (
), and intracellular
) and extracellular (
) cAMP
found from the two-dimensional system
Figure 5:
A single spike of intracellular (
) and extracellular
) cAMP for
found from the two-dimensional
system (7,8).
Next: Nullclines, Oscillations, and Excitability
Up: APC591 Tutorial 4: From
Previous: Oscillations and Excitability
Jeffrey M. Moehlis