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The Periodic Orbit and the Nullclines

Finally, using the program HHapprox.m, superimpose the trajectory corresponding to periodically firing action potentials onto the nullcline. This can be done, for example, with the following commands.

hold on;

Here only the 400-450'th data points are plotted so that the transient does not appear. This gives the following figure:

Figure 6: The nullclines with the periodic orbit superimposed in green.

Notice how the periodic orbit ``hugs'' the V-nullcline until reaching the minimum or maximum, then abruptly ``jumps across'' from one branch to another. Match up the pieces of this with the appropriate events in the time series in Figure 4. Also, change the input current to $I=6.5 \mu A/cm^2$ and use Matlab to plot the nullclines and the periodic orbit found from integrating equations (2) and (3). What happens for other values of $I$?

Jeffrey M. Moehlis 2001-09-24