
Finite Differencing
Fin Resistances
Integration Functions

 Home Temperature profiles in 1D conduction (req: NSolve)
[Tspan, rspan] = Tprofile1D (varargin)

Semi-infinte Solid
Function returning transient temperature field in semi-infinite solids, see Table 2-3
[T, Eta, TT] = Tsemi (surf,x,t)

Conduction Resistances
Conduction resistance between isothermal surfaces, as given by first three entries of Table 3-1
[Rcond, Vol] = Cond1D (wall)
Fin resistance for fins with constant cross-sectional area
[Rfin, Vol, Bi] = FinApprox (h,k,A,P,L,tip)
Annular fin resistance
[Rfin, Vol] = AnnFinApprox (h,k,ri,ro,w,tip)

Conduction with Convection
Convecting plate network relations expressed in Table 4-2 (req: RK4, NSolve)
[Rcond, Rconv, Vol, Bi, Aconv] = CondConv1D (plate)
Maximum time step for explicit integration
[tauMin tau] = dtMax (dT,Tref,t)
Exact wide rectangular fin resistance (req: EigenVal)
[Rfin, Bi] = RecFinExact (h,k,L,t,W,tip)

Seperation of Variables
Returns N roots to the transcendental eigenvalue condition
B = EigenVal (EigenErr,N,del,varargin)
Separation of variables solution to transient conduction in simple geometries (Table 6-1) (req: Unpack, EigenVal)
[T, Bi, tt, xx, TT] = TSepVar (domain,x,t,varargin)

Annular fin
Transient slab cooling
