Transient slab cooling


The temperature profile of a slab convectively cooled through the front surface from To to the bath temperature T is found by separation of variables to have the solution:



The dimensionless eigenvalues βn are selected to satisfy the transcendental eigenvalue equation:

, for n=1,2,3 ...


A specified number of roots to the eigenvalue equation can be found numerically using the function Bn( )



EigenErr = @(b)b.*sin(b)-Bi*cos(b);


ans =

    0.86033    3.42562    6.43730    9.52933   12.64529   15.77128   18.90241


The temperature solution in the slab can be expressed by the function:

function T =Tslab(Bn,x,t)

  Cn = 4*sin(Bn)./(2*Bn+sin(2*Bn));

  Bn2 = Bn.*Bn;

  T = ( Cn.*exp(-Bn2*t) )' * cos(Bn*x);



To visualize the temperature solution in the slab, arrays of discrete spatial points and temporal points are defined:

x = linspace(0,1,20); % positions to evaluate T

t = [0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5]; % times to evaluate T


To calculate and plot the solution, using 100 eigenvalues in the series, the following steps are executed:




axis([0 1 0 1.05]);