Let's explore what happens when the contact rate is a periodic
function of time. For example, for a childhood disease we might
imagine that is higher during the school year and lower during
the summer. Following the paper ``Asymptotic behavior in a deterministic
model'' by H.W. Hethcote, Bull. Math. Biol. 35:607-614, 1973,
let's take
(4) |
(5) |
(6) | |||
(7) |
global N alpha alpha = 1; N = 1; options = odeset('MaxStep',0.01); [T,Y] = ode45('func_SIS',[0 10],[0.2 0],options); figure(1) plot(T,Y(:,1)); xlabel('t'); ylabel('I'); for i=1:1000 %also plot a scaled version of beta tt(i) = 0.01*i; bb(i) = beta(tt(i)); end hold on; plot(tt,0.1*bb,'r');
Next, func_SIS.m:
function dy = func_SIS(t,y) global N alpha I = y(1); tau = y(2); dI = (beta(tau)*N - alpha)*I - beta(tau)*I^2; dtau = 1; dy = [dI;dtau];
Finally, beta.m:
function r = beta(t) r = 2 - 1.8*cos(5*t);
Figure 1 shows the numerical solution for this system with and in blue, and in red. It is seen that decays to zero with a few wiggles in the transient. Figure 2 shows the numerical solution with and , again with in red. Here settles into a periodically oscillating state with period equal to the period of ; note that the maximum of does not occur at the same time as the maximum of .
To understand these results, Hethcote defines the average reproduction
number as
(8) |