
Heat Exchangers
Dimensionless Numbers
Segmented Convection Coefficients
Planar Geometries
Nonplanar Geometries
Internal Flow
Fully Developed Heat Transfer
Convection into Fully Developed Flow
Convection into Developing Flow
Laminar Pipe Flow Correlations
Turbulent Pipe Flow Correlations


Segmented Convection Coefficients
Function to numerically calculate segmented h values
h = hSeg (flag,hfun,dL,varargin)
Function to mix laminar and turbulent convection correlations (req: Pick)
Nu = MixNu (flag,NuLam,NuTurb,Rc,R,Pr,n)

Dimensionless Numbers
Evaluates Reynolds and Prandtl numbers and thermal conductivity (req: prop)
[ReL, Pr, k] = Re (U,L,mat,T)    ...    

Planar Geometries
Laminar or mixed laminar/turbulent forced convection over a flat isothermal plate (req: Re, prop, MixNu, Pick)
[h, NuL, ReL] = PlateNuT (U,L,ReCrit,mat,Tf)    ...    
Laminar or mixed laminar/turbulent forced convection over a flat plate with constant heat flux (req: Re, prop, MixNu, Pick)
[h, NuL, ReL] = PlateNuH (U,L,ReCrit,mat,Tf)    ...    
Numerically calculate local value of hx from average value of h
hx = hLoc (flag,hfun,x)
Evaluates Rayleigh and Prandtl numbers and thermal conductivity (req: prop)
[RaL, Pr, kf] = Ra (Ts,Tinf,L,mat)    ...    
Evaluates Grashof and Prandtl numbers and thermal conductivity (req: Ra, prop)
[GrL, Pr, kf] = Gr (Ts,Tinf,L,mat)    ...    
Natural convection from a vertical plate of constant temperature (req: Ra, prop, MixNu, Pick)
[h, NuL, RaL] = VertPlateNatNuT (Ts,Tinf,L,RaCrit,mat)    ...    
Natural convection from a vertical plate of constant heat flux (req: Ra, prop, MixNu, Pick)
[h, NuL, RaL] = VertPlateNatNuH (Ts,Tinf,L,RaCrit,mat)
Natural convection in which flow is returned by horizontal plate (req: Ra, prop)
[h, NuL, RaL] = HorzPlate1NatNuT (Ts,Tinf,L,mat)    ...    
Natural convection in which flow passes horizontal plate (req: Ra, prop)
[h, NuL, RaL] = HorzPlate2NatNuT (Ts,Tinf,L,mat)    ...    
Natural convection between vertical plates in close proximity (req: Ra, prop)
[h, NuS, RaS, Sopt] = VertPlateProxNatNuT (Ts,Tinf,L,mat,flag,S)    ...    

Nonplanar Geometries
Forced convection from a cylinder (req: Re, prop)
[h, NuD, ReD] = CylNuT (U,D,mat,Tf)    ...    
Forced convection from a sphere (req: Re, prop)
[h, NuD, ReD] = SphereNuT (U,D,mat,Ts,Tinf)    ...    
Forced convection with jet impingement (req: Re, prop)
[h, NuD, ReD] = JetNuT (U,D,H,R,mat,Tf)    ...    
Convection from rotating disk (req: Re, prop, MixNu, Pick)
[hT, NuT, ReR] = RotDiskNuT (Omega,R,ReCrit,mat,Tf)
Forced convection from a bank of tubes. (req: prop, Re, Pick, iff, MatchSize)
[h, NuD, ReD] = TubeBankNuT (flag,U,D,St,Sl,Nl,mat,Ts,Tm)
Natural convection from long horizontal cylinder (req: Ra, prop)
[h, NuD, RaD] = HorzCylNatNuT (Ts,Tinf,D,mat)    ...    
Natural convection from a sphere (req: Ra, prop)
[h, NuD, RaD] = SphereNatNuT (Ts,Tinf,D,mat)    ...    
Natural convection between expansive horizontal plates (req: Ra, prop)
[h, NuS, RaS] = HorzPlateEnclNuT (Tbot,Ttop,S,mat)    ...    
Natural convection in a vertical enclosure (req: Ra, prop)
[hcirc, NuS, RaS] = VertPlateEnclNuT (T1,T2,H,S,mat)    ...    
Natural convection between walls of concentric horizontal cylinders (req: Ra, prop)
[hcirc, NuS, RaS] = HorzAnnNatNuT (T1,T2,R1,R2,mat)    ...    
Natural convection between walls of concentric spheres (req: Ra, prop)
[hcirc, NuS, RaS] = ConcSphEnclNatNuT (T1,T2,R1,R2,mat)    ...    

Fully Developed Heat Transfer
Fully developed Nusselt number for elliptical ducts.
[Nu, fReD, Dh, Ph] = EllipNuInf (Wall,H,W)
Fully developed Nusselt number for rectangular ducts
[Nu, fReD, Dh, Ph] = RectNuInf (Wall,H,W)
Fully developed Nusselt number for isosceles triangular ducts.
[Nu, fReD, Dh, Ph] = IsoTriNuInf (Wall,H,W)
Fully developed Nusselt number for rhombic ducts.
[Nu, fReD, Dh, Ph] = RhombNuInf (Wall,H,W)
Fully developed Nusselt number for trapezoidal tubes. (req: iff, MatchSize)
[Nu, fReD, Dh, Ph, phi] = TrapzNuInf (Wall,H,WW,SS)
Fully developed Nusselt number for hexagonal tubes. (req: iff, MatchSize)
[Nu, fReD, Dh, Ph] = HexagNuInf (Wall,H,WW,SS)
Fully developed Nusselt number for circular-sector ducts.
[Nu, fReD, Dh, Ph] = CircSectNuInf (Wall,theta,R)
Fully developed Nusselt number for inner surface of annular duct, with adiabatic outer surface.
[Nui, fiReD, Dh] = AnnNuiInf (Wall,Ri,Ro)
Fully developed Nusselt number for outer surface of annular duct, with adiabatic inner surface.
[Nuo, foReD, Dh] = AnnNuoInf (Wall,Ri,Ro)
Fully developed laminar helical pipe flow (req: Re, prop)
[h, NuD, f, ReD] = LamHelixPipeNuT (U,D,C,L,mat,Ts,Tm)    ...    

Turbulent Pipe Flow Correlations
Fully developed turbulent flow in smooth wall pipe (req: Re, prop)
[h, NuD, f, ReD] = TurbPipeNu (U,D,mat,Tm)    ...    

Internal Duct Flow
Evaluates the inverse Graetz number (also Pr and kf) (req: Re, prop)
[Z, ReD, Pr, kf] = InvGz (um,Dh,L,mat,Tm)

Convection into Fully Developed Flow
Lévêque correlations for near entrance fully developed flows
[Nu, A] = LevNuL (Wall,fReD,Z)
Average convection correlation for Graetz problem (req: LevNuL)
[Nu, OLev, n] = GrtzNuL (Wall,fReD,NuInf,Z)
Local convection correlation for Graetz problem (req: LevNuL, GrtzNuL)
[Nux, NuL] = GrtzNux (Wall,fReD,NuInf,Z)

Convection into Developing Flow
Modified Lévêque correlation for near entrance of developing flows (req: iff, MatchSize, LevNuL)
Nu = mLevNuL (Wall,Pr,Z)
Correlation for entry convection average Nusselt number (req: GrtzNuL, LevNuL)
[NuL, p, S] = LamEntryNuL (Wall,Pr,fReD,NuInf,Z)
Correlation for entry convection local Nusselt number (req: LamEntryNuL, GrtzNuL, LevNuL, GrtzNux)
[Nux, NuL] = LamEntryNux (Wall,Pr,fReD,NuInf,Z)

Laminar Pipe Flow Correlations
Fully developed laminar pipe flow with constant wall temperature. (req: InvGz, Re, prop, GrtzNuL, LevNuL)
[h, NuL, f, ReD] = LamPipeNuT (um,D,L,mat,Tm)
Fully developed laminar pipe flow with constant wall heat flux. (req: InvGz, Re, prop, GrtzNuL, LevNuL)
[h, NuL, f, ReD] = LamPipeNuH (um,D,L,mat,Tm)
Laminar pipe flow with combined thermal and hydrodynamic entry region. (req: InvGz, Re, prop, LamEntryNuL, GrtzNuL, LevNuL)
[h, NuL, f, ReD] = LamPipeEntryNuT (um,D,L,mat,Tm)
Laminar pipe flow with combined thermal and hydrodynamic entry region. (req: InvGz, Re, prop, LamEntryNuL, GrtzNuL, LevNuL)
[h, NuL, f, ReD] = LamPipeEntryNuH (um,D,L,mat,Tm)
Entrance length effect on turbulent pipe flow, Table 12-3. (req: Re, prop)
[hL_hinf, ReD] = TurbEntry (flag,um,Dh,L,mat,Tm)

Forced convection from flat plate
Natural convection from horizontal cylinder
