Teagan Rose Moehlis
(Teagan, pronounced TEE-gan, is a Welsh name meaning
Beautiful )
Born at 1:35PM on May 23, 2002 at home
7 lbs, 6 oz, 20 1/4 inches
Trips with Teagan, May-December 2003
On Teagan's first birthday, the movers picked up our belongings from
Princeton, NJ. While they took a direct route to California, we took
a more scenic route. After arriving in California, we also did a lot
more traveling. Here are some of the cutest pictures of Teagan
from our travels. Follow the links for more pictures!
Chicago and Iowa, May and June 2003.
Banff, June 2003.
Barcelona, July 2003.
Germany, July-August 2003.
Rome, July 2003.
Toronto, November 2003.
Princeton, November 2003.
Hawaii, December 2003.
Other Teagan Photos
From the cold...
...to Santa Barbara.
Fun in the bath!
Teagan's Christmas portraits.
Warhol paints Teagan.
Pictures from Teagan's first year
Check out Kaia's website .
Check out Allison's website .
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