
Hexagonal Quilt Designs

Click on images to enlarge. Go HERE for two-color hexagonal quilt designs. Throughout we follow the notation for repeating patterns described, for example, in Symmetries of Culture, Washburn and Crowe. For brief technical information go HERE.

Study for Alhambra II. Repeating pattern of type p6m created using methods based on deterministic dynamical systems.
Shown in Art and Mathematics 2000, Cooper Union, New York, NY, November 7-December 15, 2000; Art & Mathematics 2001, Berkshire Community College, Mass., February 1 - March 30, 2001.
Study for Alhambra II
Seasonal Chaos. Repeating pattern of type p3m1 created using methods based on deterministic dynamical systems.
Seasonal Chaos
Runga-Cutta. Repeating pattern of type p31m created using methods based on deterministic dynamical systems.
Festive. Repeating pattern of type p3m1 created using methods based on deterministic dynamical systems.
Repeating pattern of type p6m created using methods based on random dynamical systems.
See the subdirectory containing two-color quilts for three different two-colorings of this pattern.
Repeating pattern created of type p6 using methods based on random dynamical systems.

email: mikefield@gmail.com

Professor Mike Field
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106