Planck's distribution
T=800; % (K)
Eblk(T) % backbody hemispherical power (W/m^2)
ans = 2.3226e+04
lMax(T) % wavelength at peak in blackbody spectral distribution
ans = 3.6223
Eblkl(lMax(T),T) % backbody spectral hemispherical power at peak (W/m^2/um)
ans = 4216.4
FlT(lMax(T)*T) % fraction of spectral distribution with wavelengths shorter than peak
ans = 0.25007
l=logspace(0,2,100); % create wavelength span
loglog(l,Eblkl(l,[400 800])); % plot Planck's distribution for 400 and 800 K
axis([1 100 1e-2 1e4])