Thermal properties of air
The following commands are used to evaluate the thermal conductivity of air at 300 K:
load Air.dat % required once prior to property function call
prop("k",Air,300) % returns thermal conductivity of air at 300K
ans = 0.026240
Notice that the property table 'Air.dat' must be loaded (once) prior to calling a property function. To determine the density of air at both 350 K and 450 K:
prop("den",Air,[350, 450])
ans =
1.00900 0.78440
The temperature dependence of both density and thermal conductivity of air can be displayed with the commands:
T=linspace(300,900,100); % create an array of temperatures
plotyy(T,prop("den",Air,T),T,prop("k",Air,T)); % plot den(T) and k(T)